The last time I checked, “fit” wasn’t synonymous with “masculine.”
What if you’re just not that gritty? If you’re not born with that never-quit attitude or a reservoir of resolve? Can grit be developed? And if so, how?
Last summer, I conquered box-jump fear. Or so I thought.
Maybe all that time it seemed like I was backsliding — getting heavier; losing my fitness — I was also building mental strength. Because despite the setbacks and the seeming regression, I kept trying.
What couldn’t you do yesterday that you can do now? And what does that mean for every other self-limiting belief you still hold?
When I read the fine print, I learned my insurance didn’t cover more than three therapist visits per year. … But here's the thing: Mental health isn't primary care. You don't go three times a year for a check-up and a shot and suddenly everything's fine. It requires regular and consistent treatment.